Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Music is Life

I read through the essay packet right before moving on to finish my first essay assignment. I came across Joy Harjo's "Suspended" and I found it interesting. Ironically the word I chose to focus on for my assignment was music, which is what the essay was about. This just proves that music plays such a huge role in our everyday life. However everyone's experiences, preferences and views are different.
There are so many genres for everyone to dabble through. Music can be inspirational for everyone but it touches everyone differently. Depending on someone's upbringing, daily struggles and morals music can be taken many different ways. Music is so diverse that it can be broke down so many ways. Music is worldwide, controversial and its not going anywhere.
Seeing how music makes different people feel in many different situations just makes me think about what life would be without it.
Music has gotten me and (I'm pretty sure) a lot of other people through some things in life. Whether it be a breakup or intense anger in the moment, music helps people cope or relax. It can sometimes be comforting, especially when the artist seems to relate. I personally feel that music makes the world go round.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Last of Writing Down the Bones

I thought the book as a whole did a good job at persuading the reader to write. However the last section of readings was the most inspirational for me. There were stories that gave me ideas and some even made me want to start writing in that very moment. I liked majority of the stories I read but "Go Further" and "Trust Yourself" stood out for me.
I enjoyed "Go Further" because it was about pushing yourself beyond what you may think are your limits. On a regular basis I try my best to avoid failure and this sometimes leads me to miss out on potentially great opportunities. Upon coming to college three years ago I realized that if I wanted to accomplish anything. "Go Further" reminded me of how I was when I first came to college and how much I've improved. Since I've been in Ypsilanti I have faced so many obstacles that I never thought I would or could. Today I look back proud of all that I've accomplished for the simple fact that I pushed myself to keep going in those hard times; I can now say that I learned from those times and they always, eventually, got better because I refused to give up.
"Trust Yourself" is basically about believing in yourself despite what others may think. I related to this piece for writing and in everyday life. I write poetry but I'm always hesitant to share it with other people because they might not understand or agree. They might not think that it is "real" poetry. The crazy thing is that after they read it, they usually like it. That made me realize that I need to have more faith in myself and my abilities. In life I usually do my own thing and have no problem ignoring negative opinions about how I live my life. I've learned that no matter what you do, someone is always going to disagree or have a negative opinion so you'll be better off doing what makes you happy.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Girl with the Blackened Eye

Oates' story had great structure. The vovabulary and details used helped paint vivid (sometimes disturbing) images for the reader. These aspects could also drae empathy from the reader. She made characters, settings and feelings very easy to picture and understand exactly what was taking place.
Everything in the story was extremely graphic to the point where it seemed that it was all a movie. The author definitely did not hold back any details of whag happened to the women. This story reminds me of an episode from the series Criminal Minds. It's usually hard for me to read an entire [assigned] reading but creepily this one had me entertained from beginnkng to end. I had started to read just to get an idea of what was taking place, and then i found myself reading the whole thing. A good story should make it hard for the reader to stop.
I also wanted to talk about the story more in depth. This story has made me wonder with numerous stories and shows abiut this happening, how often does it happen?  With knowing how messed up some people are in this world, if i saw that girl in the passenger seat, i would call the police. I wouldnt endanger my well being but i would be blind to the situation. That girl could be someone's daughter, sister or friend; that girl could be me.